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World Mobile Accelerates Aya Testnet Rollout for EarthNode Operators

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

Starting in February 2023, World Mobile is accelerating the roll out of the testnet to EarthNode Operators. Aya, the fern, is the name of the sidechain in this testnet and represents new beginnings, strength, and independence. EarthNode Operators can take part in the sharing economy and help connect the unconnected.

The Aya testnet will be deployed in progressive iterations and the first EarthNode Operators will help test every step. In the next few days, Aya will be available on a public testnet, allowing a growing number of people to take part in building the World Mobile network.

The first iteration of Aya provided a private network for a limited number of EarthNode Operators. World Mobile has created test EarthNode Non-fungible Tokens (ENNFTs) which can be claimed by EarthNode Operators and stored in their wallet to allow them to connect to the Aya testnet and register as a validator. Basic infrastructure to support rudimental cross-chain interactions has been created and EarthNode Operators can monitor their EarthNode via provided dashboards.


To join the Aya testnet and help World Mobile, prospective EarthNode Operators must check that the correct environment is available, create and prepare an Eternl preview wallet, claim their ENNFT, install the EarthNode, register the EarthNode, and optionally install and configure Aya Mission Control. EarthNode Operators can also use provided dashboards to monitor their EarthNode.

World Mobile will introduce the mainnet after the testnet has been proven to be stable and fully functioning with the help of the participating EarthNode Operators.

World Mobile is preparing detailed documentation to support EarthNode Operators, including a White Paper detailing what Aya is, the goal, and the technical details. With Aya, World Mobile is one step closer to realizing its vision to connect the unconnected.

In conclusion, EarthNode Operators can join the Aya testnet and help build the World Mobile network. This will allow them to take part in the sharing economy and change the world. World Mobile is excited to continue its work in realizing its vision and connecting the unconnected.

Check out this blog from World Mobile to learn more:


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